

The best education is not ‘academics’ plus ‘extras’.  It’s a dynamic combination of everything that can be taught, and practised, and learned in school.  Enrichment is the term we use to refer to the very wide range of non-curricular (ie not formally examined via external testing) areas that are a fundamental part of life at Wellington.

Enrichment opportunities within the timetabled day are very important. Students in the Junior School are offered an enormous list of courses from which to choose their daily Enrichment activities.  These typically include yoga, stop-motion animation, drum core, debating, 3D modelling, Mandarin, French, Choir, Cross-Country running, gardening and many more. Senior students are encouraged to have greater input themselves into the schedule, working with teachers to design bespoke programmes as far as possible.

A different aspect of the Enrichment programme is timetabled Prep sessions. Prep is work set by teachers to be done outside class time – and, with an option to complete some of this during the school day, while teachers are available for questions and further explanations, Wellington students have an important advantage. Our purpose is to support learning, of course, but also to support the development of independence.  A little guidance and attention can go a long way (and take quite a burden off parents, when all the difficult homework has already been finished at school!)

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