Realise your potential

Wellington College International School Bangkok helps our students to be inspired by everything they do at Wellington, both inside and outside of the classroom, so they leave school as interesting people, interested in how they can shape the world around them.
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Wellington College International School Bangkok learning environment helps each and every student to be valued and developed as an individual, so their Wellington experience is much more than just going to school – rather, it is the journey itself.
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Wellington College International School Bangkok teaches our students to be inclusive in all dealings with other people, so they leave the College not in a bubble of privilege and elitism, but with the ability to engage with their local, national and international communities, and with a burning desire to do good in the world.
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As teachers inspire and challenge students, so they become interested and interesting: this is where intellectual development begins. We want our students to keep asking important questions – even difficult questions – and to be fired with a genuine spirit of enquiry.
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Wellington College International School Bangkok encourages our students to become truly independent, as those who can think, learn and cope independently will be the leaders and game-changers of the future.
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