
Celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year

Celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year
Whole School Events

On Friday 20 January, Wellington College International School Bangkok provided a wonderful build-up to Chinese New Year, with our ‘Discover China’ theme spreading throughout our Junior School learning studios and classrooms. In Senior school, students experienced Chinese culture by painting Peking Opera masks, making Chinese knottings, Chinese Chess, Chinese tea ceremony, and Chinese arts. With the many decorations and Chinese-related activities in place, an atmosphere of awe and wonder was created as students have deepened their understanding of many elements of Chinese history and culture. 



The end of Discover China Week finale involved performances from both professional lion dancers as well as our own students in a special assembly, followed by wonderful examples of Senior student leadership in the running of the Chinese New Year Fair with the traditional Chinese games. And of course, delicious Chinese food and snacks served in the dining hall. During Discover China Week, students celebrated Chinese New Year together and experienced a different China through a variety of activities, which were delightful, fun, and rewarding.

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Celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year